Spring Softball
Our Spring Softball program is offered to female athletes in grades 1-6. The fee is $75 and is used to cover jerseys, umpires, league dues, softballs, equipment, the end of year party, and other various expenses.
We participate in the Western Ohio Softball League (WOSL) with other area schools. The league has three divisions: a 1st & 2nd grade division (U8), a 3rd & 4th grade division (U10), and a 5th and 6th grade division (U12).
Click U8, U10, or U12 WOBL Rules for more league information. They also have a Sliding Rule.
The season runs for approximately 3 months, starting at the beginning of April and concluding in late June/early July. U8 teams plays approximately nine (9) games, while U10 and U12 teams play around twelve (12) games. U8 games are any day Monday through Thursdays, U10 games are Mondays and Wednesdays, and U12 games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is a league tournament after the season for all teams as well. Our teams practice twice a week before games begin. Once games begin, weekday practices generally stop due to field availability and two weekday games. However, coaches are encouraged to use a Saturday or Sunday time slot during the early game schedules to help coach/review things that pop up in those first few contests. We also have batting cages behind the LCC Baseball Field that can be used as well. The practice schedule for each specific team will largely depend on the availability of each coach and field availability.
Check the Schedules by clicking the link.