Thunderbird Youth Sports

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Rec vs Tournament vs Travel Leagues

In youth sports, you often hear references to Recreational (Rec) and Travel leagues. In staying consistent with our overall philosophy and mission, Thunderbird Youth Sports teams compete in Rec Leagues and are increasingly looking for ways to compete in a third category, Tournament Leagues. We don't participate in Travel Leagues, but we don't discourage our athletes from participating in them elsewhere if that is the best fit for their families. With that being the case, it is important to understand the differences of each level. 

Rec Leagues

  • Everyone can play
  • All kids play fairly evenly in games
  • There are rules against "stacking" teams
  • Winning is secondary
  • Time commitment is limited to 3-4 days a week
  • Least expensive option

Tournament Leagues

  • Everyone can play
  • All kids play in games, but playing time is not even and is based on skill level/coach's discretion.
  • Rules against stacking teams are smaller in scope
  • Winning is secondary, but is a larger focus than in Rec Leagues
  • Time commitment may extend to 4-5 days a week
  • At the youth level, often referred to as "School Teams"
  • We require all Tournament League athletes to also participate in the Rec League

Travel Teams

  • Kids must try-out to make teams
  • Playing time is not guaranteed
  • Time commitment is significantly more and includes weekend traveling and expenses
  • Season is significantly longer, often year round as athletes get older