Thunderbird Youth Sports

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Athlete Code of Conduct

A vital aspect to a positive youth sports experience is a commitment to teaching our athletes how to conduct themselves while competing in athletics. In an effort to keep that at the forefront of our mission, all youth athletes must agree to the following before participating in our programs:

As a Thunderbird Youth Athlete,

  1. I will be honest, fair, and always show good sportsmanship to all coaches, athletes, officials and fans, win or lose.

  2. I will learn the value of commitment to the team.

  3. I will put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team.

  4. I will work to focus on the next play and maintain good body language at all times.

  5. I will realize that youth athletic contests, including practices, are educational experiences and opportunities.

  6. I will control my emotions when I face adversity and things that are difficult.

  7. I will not engage in rude behavior, on or off the field.

  8. I will treat everyone, including coaches, parents, athletes, and officials with respect under all circumstances.

  9. I will not post negative comments about athletes, coaches, or fans on social media.

  10. I will have fun!

Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including suspension - either temporary or permanent, as determined by Thunderbird Youth Athletics.